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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...



Jesus had twelve disciples, each called, individually, to follow him.

Christ calls us, too.

This hymn explores different areas of what it means to be a disciple, following God's call.

(I'm struck that certain verses stand out to me at the moment, as especially resonating (or not) with my view and experiences about my own discipleship at the moment...
...I think I'll keep revisiting this hymn and reflect on those verses individually, as well as the hymn as a whole.)

Gracious God, your love has found us,
bound us, set us free.
Take our lives, transform us into
all that we can be.
Call us, one and all, together,now and evermore, we pray.
Call us to be Christ-revealing,
radiant with your light;
generous as a hilltop city,
visible and bright.
Call us, one and all, together,now and evermore, we pray.
 Call us all to live the kingdom,
active here and now;Life affirming, world-renewing.Church above, below.Call us, one and all, together,now and evermore, we pray.
Call us all in love discerning,
strong in word and deed;
sent, commissioned, gladly serving
all who are in need.
Call us, one and all, together,
now and evermore, we pray.
Call us as your loved disciples:
learning, growing, fed;
Send us out, as new apostles,
Leading as we’re led.
Call us, one and all, together,
now and evermore, we pray.
Call us deeply, touch our souls through
worship, prayer and word,
teach our minds to feel in echo
myst’ries yet unheard.
Call us, one and all, together,
now and evermore, we pray.
Call us, as you called creation
when the world began,
Guide our hearts’ imagination
to your loving plan.
Call us, one and all, together,
now and evermore, we pray.
(Hymn © Ally Barrett)

♫ A song with the number 12 in it... Ladybug's picnic

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