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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...



There are 10 Commandments in Exodus 20.

The first few relate to our relationship with God - have no other Gods than the Lord, do not make idols...

The later ones give us instructions for our relationship with other people - do not murder, do not steal, and so on.

They're a fundamental set of rules that are core to holding communities together - based on values like love and trust - as well as laying out some detail about our relationships with God.

However, they don't include specifics for individual people or places. Having a personal 'rule of life' can add in those extras - not as more rules that weigh you down and constrict your life, but that act to open and free you, to God and to others.

There's a short guide, from Guildford Diocese, about creating a personal rule of life here, if you'd like to explore that idea.

Perhaps for reflection and prayer today? - The 10 Commandments:

I am the Lord your God: you shall have no other gods but me.
You shall not make for yourself any idol.
You shall not dishonour the name of the Lord your God.
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
Honour your father and mother.
You shall not commit murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not be a false witness.
You shall not covet anything which belongs to your neighbour.

♫ A musical suggestion with a couple of tens - Chopin's Etude Op 10 No 10 

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