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Day 3 - Thy Kingdom Come

Icons today.
Far more than just pictures, icons are seen as 'windows into heaven'.

They are full of symbolism - colours and postures and positions all carry significance.

Why not try praying with one today?

There's a brief guide to praying with icons here
(it refers to the (Roman) Catholic church - but praying with icons is common in the Anglican church too)

Here's one of the most well-known icons
(There are links to a few others underneath)

Rublev's icon of the Trinity, inspired by Genesis 18.1-8

Other icons:

Icon of Jesus at Westcott House

A 14th Century icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A modern icon of the Holy Family (by Kelly Latimore)

...wby not use one of these for prayer, or perhaps search for an icon of a favourite saint, or the saint your parish church is dedicated to?

A Bible reading for today:

Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. 

Hebrews 13.1-2

♫ and, today's music for prayer - Cheryl Frances-Hoad's  Bogoroditse-Devo

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