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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...



God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness...

...And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

We are made in the image of God.

Not just those who are especially holy, nor just those who go to Church...or occasionally say a prayer...but all of us.

Exactly what that means, is a bit of a mystery!

It has been argued that it is...because human beings have souls, or because we are able to have a relationship with God, or because we have the power of reason, or because humans were given responsibility to look after the rest of the Earth and its other living things...and more...

Whichever of those is correct, knowing that at the most fundamental level all human beings share a common, divine link can be transformative in how we view each other (especially those who society, or our culture, looks down on, or discriminates).

It asks us questions about how we treat others, and to what extent we include others.
...and this is deeper than 'just being nice to others, whoever they are'. For example, the current lockdown is difficult for many, but the whole Church being forced to find other ways of worshipping has given much better access to worship for those who already weren't able to get to church.

And that's really wonderful. But it also makes me question...who else are we, as a Church, overlooking?

(For more food for thought on the idea of inclusion, you might like to look at the Inclusive Church website.)

This cartoon gives a nice interpretation of one way of looking at this idea...and could perhaps give good inspiration for prayer today?

♫ Another 'six', as a music suggestion  -  Bach's Brandenburg Concerto no.6. in Bb major

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