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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...

Trinity - modalism

Another analogy for the Trinity!

...The Trinity is like water - which can be ice, or liquid water, or water vapour

Except, God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit at the same time.

Water isn't ever usually found as ice, liquid and gas all at the same time

(though it is technically possible - here's an explanation of 'triple points', if you're interested! - and a video)

Unlike water, changing phases to ice, liquid and gas, God doesn't switch between different 'modes' of acting as Father, Son, and Spirit, but acts as all three, all of the time.

As with all analogies for the Trinity, this one falls short too.

How about, as part of prayer today, reflecting on what 'mode' of prayer you instinctively/naturally fall into...  

...praise? thanksgiving? petition/supplication? intercession for others?

(Which ones are your most common forms of prayer? Do you get a good balance of all of them?)

♫   Some of Handel's Water Music

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