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Pentateuch - Numbers


The Book of Numbers describes more about the Israelites' wandering in the wilderness, waiting for the time to enter the Promised Land.

It's called Numbers because there are two censuses in it... the first at the very beginning of the book.

Before I reflect on censuses (well, more labelling people) briefly, here are the words of the 'priestly blessing' from Numbers 6 - which I've included in this blog before, but I think it's worth having them again, as a reminder that we are all blessed by God, that we are all being prayed for, and that God is with us throughout all of this...

The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
25 the Lord make God's face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn God's face toward you
    and give you peace.”’

Counting people up, and dividing them up according to different criteria...  censuses are very useful, but it's also something we do at a smaller scale, far more widely and more frequently... attaching labels and putting people 'into boxes' - which at best either does nothing or is mildly irritating, but at the very worst can lead to all kinds of stereotypes, discrimination and abuse.

For example, does being female, or gay, or black, or disabled, or trans, or poor, or unable to keep good personal hygiene, or young, or having a different accent, make no difference to the way people are treated?   

As the answer is a clear 'No, it makes a massive difference to peoples' lives' (however equally we, personally, might treat everyone), today's words to reflect and pray with...

Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness”

♫ Music, for Numbers? Let's 'turn it up to 11' -

One - U2

Song 2 - Blur

Three Little Birds - Bob Marley

4 in the Morning - Gwen Stefani

5 Minutes Alone - Pantera

6/8 - Blink 182

Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes

Eight Miles High - The Beatles

9 to 5 - Dolly Parton

Perfect 10 - The Beautiful South

Eleven - Primus

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