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Pentateuch - Leviticus


Leviticus is full of rules and practices and laws to help the Israelites keep pure, and holy.

The book is named after the priestly tribe of the Israelites, the Levites (named after Levi).

While we don't stick to many of the rules found in Leviticus any more (cutting beards, eating shellfish, and wearing mixed fibres aren't uncommon, for example), one example Leviticus gives, that there might be a pattern/list of things to follow to help us be all that we can be, to be as close to God as possible, and to have the deepest possible relationship with God, is one worth exploring.

Personally, I find the rhythm of the daily offices to be enormously beneficial to my spiritual life/health. Morning and evening pray (along with the Eucharist) form the bedrock that gives energy and meaning to everything else. Other things, from saying compline (night prayer) some evenings, to keeping things that are meaningful and that remind me to pray in my pocket, to stopping for a brief moment throughout the day to intentionally acknowledge that I hope live, in all that I do, for God's glory - all these things, and more, help me to try to make prayer something I am as well as something I do, so that my life, as well as my times of prayer, is a prayer.

For prayer and reflection - the English translation of today's music suggestion:

This is the day the Lord has made
let us rejoice and be glad in it

♫ Byrd - Haec dies

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