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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...

Photo of the day - 8

We're all seeing things in a very different light at the moment, which made me think it might be an idea to give the camera to my daughter and see what photos she came up with, instead of something chosen by me. This close-up of her apron was the first photo she took. Nowadays I generally just look past it, but her photo has made me look at it again, to re-appreciate the design, and also think about why it's precious to her.

I've been wondering if I always remember that others perceive the world in different ways to the way I do. And, indeed, whether I remember that others see me in a different way to the way I see myself!

[Photo shows a close-up of a child's apron; white with colourful spots and birds.]

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