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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...

Photo of the day - 13

This mug came to mind after thinking about today's 'boredom buster'.
It's not just a nice mug to have when sitting down with a cup of coffee, but also a reminder of a couple of wonderful times spent on pilgrimage on the island of Lindisfarne.

As I drank my coffee, I wondered what other things I've 'collected' over the years, that have value to me, personally, far more than they would to anyone else. The toy plastic duck whistle I was given as a present when I was ordained as a deacon for example (I'll explain quite why that's so special another time!)

[Photo shows a cup of coffee. The blue design, labelled 'Lindisfarne Harbour', on the white mug is an image from Lindisfarne]

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