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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...

Photo of the day - 16

This is Margie.

Typing now, I can't remember what the link is between this lemon tree and the person who inspired its name (which is frustrating, because it's definitely one of our newer plants(!) - she was an ordination present).

Whenever I water her,  though, she is a reminder of people who have influenced me in the past; people who have brought joy, and who have taught me - about myself, and about faith and about God.

I'm also always reminded that lemons take an awfully long time to ripen. Now we're stuck inside because of self-isolation and social distancing, that's been making me wonder: how patient am I, really? what techniques do I employ when my patience is being tested? and where (and who) do I draw support from to help me be patient?
Other questions that come to mind, are ‘what will be produced from my experiences over the coming months?’; ‘what fruit is ripening in me at the moment?’.

[Photo shows a lemon tree against a brick wall.]  

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