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Angelus ad Virginem

The Feast of the Annunciation

Celebrating the Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary to say that she would conceive Jesus seems especially apt at the moment, as we find ourselves not knowing what the next few months, and longer, will bring. The inner turmoil so many of us are feeling - about what will happen to us, our families and communities, our place in society - and the fear, anticipation, excitement, boredom and hope all mingling, surrounded by uncertainty.
Uncertainty reigns at the moment, in so many areas. And that makes things more difficult; it's always easier to deal with things, positive or negative, when there are answers, rather than unknowns.
Amidst all this, we celebrate the Annunciation; a reminder that gifts from God so often come in surprising and unexpected ways.

More about the annunciation, from the Bible, here: Luke 1.
You might also like to reflect on Denise Levertov's poem Annunciation.

Another reminder, if you're reading this before 11 o'clock - if you feel able please join in with The Lord's Prayer, the prayer Jesus himself taught us, with millions of others across the world, at 11 o'clock GMT. (More here).

♫ Today, how about this music, which starts 'The angel of God visited Mary and she conceived of the Holy Spirit'. Ave Maria - Biebl

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