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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...

Wednesday 22nd July

Two photos, both taken from the same spot.

Perspective can change things enormously...   
...sometimes being too close to things can mean things seem bare and dull, because the vibrancy and growth of the 'full picture' can't be seen, for example.

I wonder, today, 
The things that are on your mind at the moment...
- How can you look at them differently?
- Does that give you any new insights?
(- and, have you 'viewed' them through prayer?)

Here's an article by Archbishop Justin Welby in which he talks about prayer, describing how it changed his 'entire perspective on what life should be about'.

♫ A musical suggestion for today: Duffy - Put it in Perspective

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