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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...

Reflections for half term


...On 31st October the Church remembers Martin Luther. A few years ago, I carved this pumpkin to celebrate that remembering. 

And this All Hallowstide, saints of all kinds will be remembered too... those featured in church windows, and people who have lived with us, and loved us...

Saints who are symbols of hope

Saints who have known us as closely as it is possible to do so

Saints who remind us of the message of the angels, 'do not be afraid'

Saints who show us there is no Resurrection without death

As we remember them, why not reflect, too, on these questions...

- who has been a saint to you, in your life?

- what might you be able to do at the moment to be, in some way, a saint to others? 

[Photos show pumpkins, carved with - Martin Luther, Noah's ark, Jesus, A smiling angel face, and a Sacred Heart]

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