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In the beginning was the Word...

What happens to community and church when most people can't gather together? With that sudden possibility recently, the idea of this bl...

Thursday 24th September

A couple of weeks ago my daughter came home from school with a cough. We arranged for a covid test, and went into self-isolation until we received the result.

And with along with us, this blog seemed to enter self-isolation too.

And I'm still not entirely sure why... which is perhaps why my plans to restart the blog over the last week or so haven't quite made it to an actual post until now.
(I'll keep reflecting on it, and hopefully work out the answer soon!)

This blog... life more generally... seemed to freeze, in many ways.
Which has made me reflect on the times in my life when my faith, and relationship with God, has done similar.
About a dozen years ago I went to a service in a different place to usual (as it happens, it was the first time I ever worshipped at Westcott House), and I surprised myself by finding myself saying, as I walked home, 'I remember why I'm a Christian.' 
My relationship with God had frozen, slowly but definitely, in many ways. And that service thawed things suddenly, and completely.

It's an experience, and a feeling, that has stayed with me ever since. It showed me, powerfully, the importance of trying to keep faith 'warm'. And that is some of the prayer that I have put into the hats I've been making recently, to keep people warm more literally:

[Photos are of four crocheted woollen hats - two completed, two in the process of being made.]

...Which makes me wonder, today...

...How do you keep your faith 'warm'?
...Do you have different 'hats' to do this at different times of the year?
...What 'hat' might you like to make and/or 'put on' to warm your faith at the moment?

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